Happy Thanksgiving fellow Tough Cookies!

As we give thanks this Holiday season for all the fortunate things in your life, let’s take a moment to think about others who may not be so lucky – and extend our giving spirit to them.A Better Man documentary film

A Better Man is a new hopeful documentary film that is running an IndieGoGo campaign to help it achieves its mission – empower people to join the movement to END violence against women.

I couldn’t think of a more worthy cause – especially at this time of year.

As a Tough Cookie, this is an issue that I am deeply passionate about, so I would really love to see this film come to life and change the world.

And as a fellow filmmaker, I think it has the chance to achieve that – given the notably powerhouse team of experience filmmakers and survivors behind it, ready to sculpt it into reality.

Now I don’t normally use this website as a platform for pitching products or asking for money, but I do feel this project and cause are worth sharing. So if you are in a giving mood this holiday season, go check out the film’s IndieGoGo campaign to learn more.

Watch videos of the trailer and filmmakers behind the film, and see what you can contribute toward the completion of this poignant and moving project. Only 20 days left!

A Better Man film funding goalsAll of us Tough Cookies should give thanks this Thanksgiving for our own health, happiness and human rights.

But then if you feel so inspired, please join me in promoting the idea that every women and man in the world deserves the same. They deserve A Better Man.