The time has come, my fellow Tough Cookies!

On this day of reflection and rebirth from what has passed into what is to come, we here at Tough Cookie Says want to wish you something bigger and bad-ass-er than just a Happy New Year…

We wish you a Happy New You!

After all, that’s what this time of year is all about. When the clock strikes 12midnight tonight, we will all be launched into the next phase of our lives, as we celebrate the marking of an old phase ending and a new phase beginning.

As a very wise musical group once sang (and Tough Cookie Says),

Every New Beginning

What better time to embark on your own new beginning than with the beginning of 2019?

This isn’t just a time to bid farewell to the past year. It’s also a nod to the past you, your old habits and hesitations, things lost and mistakes made, and the parts of you that you’re ready to let go of. And as you bid farewell to all that, it’s a wonderful opportunity to welcome in a new and improved you — this one-year-older, wiser, more self-aware you — who is ready for new adventures and new mistakes on the road ahead.

That’s why we make New Year’s resolutions. Because this is a time not only for reflection, but also for resolve and making decisions about what we want to do and who we want to become with this new beginning.

Happy New You

Our mission here at Tough Cookie Says is all about that. We want to make 2019 the year we launch this company to the next level and make a measurably larger difference inspiring inner strength for women and humankind worldwide.

And that includes every member and partner involved in the Tough Cookie vision. Yes, you too!

Every one of us can take on that mission and resolution at an individual level as well. Because only all together, our powers combined, can we make an impact worthy of real change, for ourselves as well as for others.

We here at Tough Cookie Says are doing our reflections and setting resolutions for the new beginnings and beings we want to embody in this new year. That includes things like healthier, more diligent fitness and nutrition regimens, and a commitment to daily exercises, stretching, and meditation that work with and for our natural rhythms of energy throughout the day. We also have a growing list of books, movies, and trainings we want to consume and learn from this year, and ultimately use to propel our Tough Cookie mission even further.

This year of 2019 will be our year of Tough Cookie Says 2.0 – a bigger, better, bolder version with new tips, trainings, products, videos, and inspiration for all. So lots to look forward to!

How about you? What will your new beginning be?

How will you choose to define this New You?