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Tough Cookies are everywhere. And anyone can be a Tough Cookie. In my opinion, the more Tough Cookie love out there, the better. So imagine my joy at discovering another brand on Amazon called Tough Cookie Clothing. It’s like we took a page out of the same book, or were reading the same book, or something about forming one giant global book club of badass women covered in Tough Cookie designs.

And what fun designs these are! Tough Cookie Clothing has some great snarky, silly, and sweet fun for everyone. Here are my top 10 favorites of theirs that I highly recommend for rounding out your own wardrobe.

1. #Beast

Damn straight, I’m a beast. You bet your ass, I’m a handful. And damn proud of it. Whether in the gym, or at work, or quarantined at home in bed with Netflix. I’m still rowdy. I’m rough around the edges. Ain’t nobody gonna knock me down. Don’t let the current hardships get you down either. Keep those edges sharp and your wits sharper. Stay strong. Hulk it out. Get yourself this tank top from the comfort of your home and wear it with pride. Or else I’ll be very angry. And you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.

2. Girls Just Wanna Have Guns

I have my own version of this classic saying on my Tough Cookie products as well, but I do love what they’ve done here with this one. So however you choose to wear these wise words, I don’t much mind. Get one of mine. Get this one. Get them both. You do you. Just be sure you embrace the sentiment along with it. Coz strong is sexy, and buff is beautiful, and stop worrying you’re going to bulk up all huge like Arnold Schwarzenegger. You won’t. I promise. You can have sexy arm guns and still be feminine. Or sweet. Or sassy. Or anything else you wanna be. Like I said, you do you.

3. Pump Day

Speaking of pumping iron, this is another clever little design for your visits to the gym or wherever else you choose to rock some dead lifts. I’m a huge fan of the weight room at the gym. I love the vibe in there. No one cares what anyone else is doing. They’re all too concerned with themselves to judge anyone else. It’s the one place where self-centeredness actually works in your favor. So don’t be afraid to give the weight room a try. Don’t worry about looking stupid. You won’t. And even if you do, no one will notice. Just put on this tank top, hold your head high, and fake it till you make it through the day. Whether it’s Wednesday or any other day of the week.

4. Fine I’ll Run

I really dislike running. Like really. But I do it. Coz I know it helps. Not alone of course. It’s not a complete workout regimen by itself. But it helps. It’s good for you. So I try to do it every once in a while. But I’m gonna be complaining to myself (and often to other people, loudly) for pretty much the entire time. So putting on a fun tank top like this one from Tough Cookie Clothing, plus some stretchy pants with pockets (I refuse to wear any without them), really helps get me in the mood to power through.

5. I Run Better Than The Government

Okay I may not like running, and I may not be super great at it, but it’s still a hell of a lot better than how the government has been running, amiright? And I bet you do it even better. Running, not the government. Though maybe that too. So while we wait for the new administration to repair the damage and see if Congress can sort out their issues, we can still repair the issues in our own lives with Tough Cookie Clothing like this and keep ourselves running like well-oiled (if not well-shaped) machines. And then, we take over the world!

6. I Am Currently Under Construction

On the days I can’t motivate to run, and even on the days I can, I’m a fan of this super handy excus- I mean, mantra. Because self love and body positivity are important, absolutely, but we can’t always embody the confidence we seek. Sometimes we just aren’t happy with the results quite yet. And that’s okay. There’s no harm in reminding ourselves that we’re still a work in progress. As long as you don’t stop working on it. Wear this cute reminder, and maybe some gloves and a hard hat, and get your ass to work. Maybe you can even wear this top to work, though I imagine that won’t fly for everyone. Like, for example, on Wall Street (as entertaining as that would be).

7. Don’t Hate, Meditate / Let That Shit Go

Sure times may be tough. Money may be tight. And work hard to come by. But there will always be shit to deal with, no matter how global the virus pandemic or how badly the government is handling it. Don’t get mad. Get zen. Deep breaths and let all that crappy, sick, and sad shit go. We can still heal the world and make it a better place. Just gotta spread love, not hate. Or disease. So put on either of these Tough Cookie Clothing tank tops, wash your hands, and then relax them into your best Jnana Mudra. Om. Namaste.

8. Inhale The Good Shit, Exhale The Bullshit

As you meditate, remember it’s all in the breath work. So as you breathe in, take in all the good, happy, healthy feelings. And then as you breathe out, let all of that bad, sad, sick bullshit go. Just like this Tough Cookie Clothing tank top and the one above it tell you so. There’s already enough shit in the world, we don’t need to go bringing it into our bodies and minds and letting it rot us from the inside out. There’s a difference between being realistic and being negative. Negativity does no one any good. A positive mind is a healthy mind, and a healthy mind is key for weathering this viral shitstorm the world is raining down on us right now. So put on this tank top and a happy face, and think happy thoughts.

9. Dance It Out

Any Grey’s Anatomy fans out there? If you’re still having trouble letting all that bad shit go, it’s always a good idea to try dancing it out. Whether or not you’ve found your person to do that with. We can’t all be Meredith Grey or Christina Yang. But we sure can be stylish in this dancey prancey Tough Cookie Clothing tank top as we Flashdance out our feelings. Nothing puts a smile on my face faster than gettin’ my groove on. Just another excellent (and cheap) form of therapy that comes highly recommended by yours truly. Both the dancing and the retail therapy from buying this top.

Click to watch Grey's Anatomy TV series on Amazon featuring Tough Cookies Ellen Pompeo and Sandra Oh
Click to Watch “Grey’s Anatomy”

10. Live. Love. Lift.

I can’t think of more succinct words to live by. Both all together and each word by itself. LIVE your life to the fullest like it’s the only one you get. LOVE yourself and others with all of your heart like you’ll never have another chance. LIFT yourself up every day, and others up with you, and maybe some weights when you have the energy. Truly versatile words that can prove great value and meaning in any area of your life, wherever and whenever the bullshit strikes again. I’m getting me one of these tank tops and living by these three words every day. Just. Like. That.

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Need some badass inspiration? Check out these snarky, silly, and sweet Tough Cookie tank tops on Amazon for a little pick-me-up during these tough times.