My Mission | My Origin Story | Ways To Connect
My Mission
I love to travel, like many other women+. But traveling solo as a woman+ can be difficult and dangerous. And the options for resources to help us better equip ourselves are severely lacking.
Do a quick search for personal safety or self defense books on Amazon and notice how all of the top results are written by men. Even the ones geared towards women+. Yet statistics (and life experience) tell us that 90% of rape victims are female, and 1 out of every 6 women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.
There’s something wrong with this picture. So I created Tough Cookie to do something about it.
I’ve created the ultimate travel safety website, complete with my own tried and true safety tips, recommended tools, and a new approach to self defense training. The real ladies’ version. Designed by a woman who has actually been through it too and knows what you’re going through. I built this for my fellow women+ like you who deserve travel safety and self defense tips, tools, and training as complete, comprehensive, and authentic as you are.
Here at Tough Cookie, we’re doing personal safety differently.
Read more about the Tough Cookie Mission here.
My Origin Story

Hi, I’m Rebecca Ahn!
My Tough Cookie Origin Story began in 2011 when I left my cushy Google corporate job to become a full-time freelancer in the enchanting and unpredictable world of entertainment.
Since then, I’ve become a martial arts stunt woman, self defense instructor, and avid traveler who has been to 20+ countries around the world… and counting!
I’ve trained in martial arts, film stunts, and CPR first response. Add to that a fair amount of less-structured training thanks to the various forms of abuse and violence I’ve experienced in my life, as well as a habit of acting as unofficial “bodyguard” for my friends over the years. So I’ve become quite passionate about helping better prepare others to survive the same. Survive and thrive. Because this life was meant to be lived fully and freely, without fear.
I’m also a self-diagnosed cinephile who can’t get enough of action movies and TV shows with badass female leads (and even produced a few in another life). Because these strong female characters inspire us and show us what’s possible.
Everywhere I travel there are a wide range of cultures, adventures, and yes plenty of potential dangers. Let’s just say I’ve seen some shit and been in my fair share of close calls. And navigating them can be quite challenging if you aren’t properly prepared. So I’ve made it my mission to help my fellow women+kind stay safer and stronger in their travels and adventures, whether home or abroad.
This is my way of sharing my expertise and passion with other womxn like you who want to live and travel as strong and sweetly as I do – just like a Tough Cookie!
Read more about my Tough Cookie Origin Story here.
Ways To Connect

Questions? Comments? Absurd ideas?
I’d love to hear what you think, so feel free to reach out and let me know!